About us?

Tricula is the product of an arduous search to solve the problems that this society faces today. Numerous pathologies are due to a lack of key foods such as fruits that our body undoubtedly needs.

We came to revolutionize the world

After a long time investigating, we can finally present Tricula, our first product. Each unit is proportional to a fruit, for example, half a lemon contains the same nutrients as 3 Tricula , containing 99.54% of the predominant elements: Potassium, Vitamin C, Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium , in the exact proportions that appear in Fruit. In the case of the orange, 3 units of Tricula represent a quarter of this fruit, also containing the previously mentioned elements since both are citrus.

It is an ideal complement for day to day. For the children to take to school and enjoy it, the worker who doesn't have time to peel an orange or a lemon at work, the student who is nervous about studying and needs a bit of fresh air, the older man who always wants to have candy but he does not eat enough fruit a day because there is no way to convince him, those who do not have access to fresh fruits, people who decide to start taking care of themselves, for everyone, that is why Tricula was born.


  • Why do we live only 72 years on average?

    Tricula was born with the mission of finding a way to live forever .

    It sounds very ambitious, but if it exists in nature it means that it can be achieved. It also didn't seem possible to fly until we invented airplanes. Everything starts with a dream until it becomes a reality, that is our vision, and we are going to make it.

    We believe in health, progress and practicality, our main values, and we found a way to bring fruit to all audiences. Everyone knows that you have to eat fruit daily, experts say that 5 would be ideal, but nobody does anything to change this situation.

  • Bad yes, good no

    To ensure that the human being lives longer or is eternal, it is necessary to start step by step . We tend to consume those foods that harm us the most. For its texture, for its ease of eating it or simply for its delicious flavor. Sweet and healthy have never been compatible, until now.

  • Revolutionaries

    Conventional candies are all sugar and not beneficial for our body. We like them a lot, yes, but what if sweets became something healthy? Why do they have to be bad always?

    For the simple reason that they have no nutrients. They have a fruit flavor, but they do not contain what a fruit contains.

    Thanks to our revolutionary Tricula, things has changed. Besides having the same flavor or better, they also provide the body with part of what a fruit would give you.

    WELCOME to the FOOD of the FUTURE

Birth of Tricula

A jellyfish called Turritopsis nutricula lives in the Caribbean waters. It belongs to the hydrozoan family and it is usually between 4 and 5 millimeters in diameter. Humans perish over the years, unlike these little jellyfish that live forever . Yes, you read that right, they are IMMORTAL .

We will see our grandchildren live, at most our great-grandchildren, if each generation reproduces at an early age, however “Tricula” (as we call it) will be able to live until the end of the world. Thus our name arises .

Tricula Store

Why is it eternal?

This very special jellyfish undergoes a phenomenon called reverse metaplasia , which causes it to return to its polyp phase if it feels ill or threatened. Let's say that after she has reached her maturation she has the ability to go back to the beginning of her life , reverting her adulthood to an age where she is immature.

It is clear that we are not a jellyfish, but there is much to learn from nature so… Let's get to work!